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Curved Tubes
Curved Tubes
Writer's pictureProphetess Rhema


Updated: Apr 20, 2024

Proverbs 3:19 (CJB)

“Adonai by wisdom founded the earth, by understanding he established the heavens.”


The above verse will be a foundational verse for this entire series of “Understanding”, and as we read in the previous blog that how Joseph escaped the evil trap of sexual immorality not by defending it but rather by fleeing or departing from it. This is not the only area of our lives where understanding is needed but it has to be applied almost everywhere.


Proverbs 3:5 – 6

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding.


As humans, we trust or believe in things which can be seen and not which is unseen, and when we trust more in the seen things, sometimes down the line it disappoints us and leaves us upset because our expectations are not met. It’s not abnormal to trust things you see, but using our own understanding while we are still seeing can prove deceptive. Many Christians are going through a painful process in their lives by making wrong decisions without understanding, only because they were lured, convinced and accepted what is good for their seeing eye.


We read in the Book of Genesis Chapter 3 verse 6, that when the serpent convinced the woman (Eve) she saw the tree was good for food that it was pleasant to the eyes. This verse shows the depth of deception a seeing eye can bring, catching us unaware of the consequences that is awaiting, at times ignorance kills understanding.


In these years of ministry and as we (Prophetess Rhema & Pastor Roshan) have counselled and talked to many young and old married couples, who are not happy with their married lives, one common issue that I noticed in them is lack of understanding. There is a blame game factor, irresponsibility factor, financial factor, ego factor, education or career factor almost in every marriage. Both the partners are not ready to understand each other proving themselves to be better. My question to them is, was your marriage the will of God and mostly the answer I hear is YES.


Marriages are made in Heaven and celebrated on earth. But if you review the present scenario of marriage in today’s time, the celebration is only on the wedding day and the rest of the days are……God knows.


Let us find a solution to this problem through the lens of God’s Word and His Wisdom & Understanding in our next blog.


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