Matthew (6 : 22 – 23) The eye is the lamp of the body. So if your eye is sound, your entire body will be full of light. But if your eye is unsound, your whole body will be full of darkness.
As we read in the previous blog about the polluted eyes, that has made us weak and helpless to see anything in the spirit. We are unable to discern even if a trap is laid for us by the enemy (devil) in the physical due to lack of spiritual vision and discernment. The verse above brings us to the point of understanding that if our eyes are sound (good), our body including our mind, conscience, soul is good and healthy. If vice-versa than every other area too is affected.
Imagine you own a television set which been lying down in one corner of your store-room, untouched and unused for many years, and one fine day you suddenly plan to clean it with a plain cloth without any effort, is it possible the dust collected on it will clear off so easily? The answer is NO. In the same way, we have been viewing and watching so much from our physical eyes and the amount of unwanted invisible carnal dirt collected on the lens of our eyes has not only affected our eyes but also our soul. If your physical eyes are polluted how do u expect that your spiritual eyes can be healthy.
Whenever we see a trailer or a teaser of an unreleased movie, we get the idea of the entire movie of what the story can be about, keeping certain things in suspense, likewise when a prophesy is released, it is like a trailer of your future that God releases through his servant and you get a picture of what God is about to do in your life. Unfortunately for many the prophesy remains incomplete until and unless it is not fulfilled, but many are also unaware or may be ignorant of what to do next after the release of the prophesy and the reason is lack of sight. Their vision does not allows them to work on the prophesy, by fasting and praying about it, initiating an action towards it. Physical and Spiritual vision both play an important role in this area. The Bible also says in the Book of Acts that transformation of Apostle Paul came with a new vision after his encounter with Jesus that had kept him blind for three days.
The Bible says in Acts 9:18 ‘Immediately, something like scales fell from Saul’s eyes, and he could see again. He got up and was baptised.
Even Apostle Paul had to encounter Lord Jesus, before the carnal scales from his eyes had to fall off. We as Christians need a desperate encounter from the Lord so that we are delivered and healed from the scales on our eyes.
Prayer : - Loving Lord Jesus, deliver and heal my eyes. I have sinned from my eyes and failed to keep my eyes pure. May I receive your grace to not sin from my eyes anymore in Jesus name I pray. Amen
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