The physical eye is our organ of vision and we all are aware of how to take care of it, unfortunately as we age, our vision turns weak and blurry, but still we don’t compromise to live helpless, we attempt for surgery, contact lenses, glasses & every other possible help we can receive only to see clearly. Nevertheless, we are always thankful to the creator for this gift of vision but today this blog is not only about physical eyes & vision but about spiritual sight too.
Matthew (6 : 22 – 23) The eye is the lamp of the body. So if your eye is sound, your entire body will be full of light. But if your eye is unsound, your whole body will be full of darkness.
The above bible verse narrates what Jesus spoke about the function of the eyes, connecting it with the entire body. The world says, ‘seeing is believing’ but many of us have been deceived and destroyed only by seeing what we shouldn’t. If a lamp in the house brightens the whole house, so is the eye which is the lamp that brightens the whole body.
The Bible says in Romans 3:23 “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” We may have not committed murders or deadly crimes or even been drunkards but still we have sinned and fallen short of earning God’s praise. Our eyes have never co-operated with us in the will of God when it comes to seeing. It is the most polluted organ of our body because the Bible says in Proverbs 27:20 “So the eyes of man are never satisfied” it means it has the highest level of lust. I would say it is the most dangerous organ of the body as compared to the tongue. One can try to control his tongue by not speaking, but how can one control his eyes by not seeing?
The world has so much glamour to display that each day we have something new to see and enjoy and it has proven by the mobile phones that we carry with us all the time. We are unable to stay away from it. A study done during the pandemic was on average a person glued to the screen was for nearly 19 hours watching everything that the world had to show us and not God.
Our eyes have been polluted to that extent that now if God has to show us anything it is highly difficult to see, understand and even interpret. How can our eye sight be restored and what measures can we take to make it happen.
Let’s see it in our next blog, what is that we have been missing in the plan of God when it’s about our seeing in the natural as well as supernatural.
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