Matthew 6:22-23
The eye is the lamp of the body, So if your eye is sound, your entire body will be full of light. But if your eye is unsound, your whole body will be full of darkness.
As we read in the previous blog i.e. Part - 2 about Apostle Paul had to wait for the healing of his eyes for three long days before being healed. In the same way, we too are in the process of perfecting ourselves in Christ Jesus and undergo through a waiting process after receiving Salvation. Only when we come to the knowledge of the Truth in repentance from the worldly ways we too can say that, first I was blind but now I can see (John 9:25).
We all have sinned (Romans 3:23). We don't want to see men like trees (imperfect vision), indeed we desire a perfect vision and only when the Lord touches our eyes, we can be made whole. Let's strive daily that we see like Jesus. If we cannot control our eyes, there won't be delay when our eyes start controlling us. Before we were in darkness our entire body including our eyes far from reach of our control, but the sooner we accepted Jesus, we learned and acknowledge the Truth which set us free (John 10:10) now we are complete in Christ, perfected by Him in our faith as we run our race towards our destiny.
We will be able to see, perceive and understand everything when our eyes are Holy. Let nothing manipulate us, when situations around us are tempting. (Genesis 3:6) says "the woman (Eve) saw that the tree was good for food and it was pleasant to the eyes." the deception technique of the enemy with humans for ages, robbing of every blessings by tempting us to do that was sin in the eyes of God by disobeying Him.
Prayer :- Lord, help me in every area of my life, that I do not allow the enemy to deceive me and disobey you in anyways. Give me grace to walk in holiness and purity with my eyes, in Jesus name I Pray. Amen.