My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.Because you have rejected knowledge,I also will reject you from being priest for Me;Because you have forgotten the law of your God,I also will forget your children. (HOSEA 4:6)
Though I have read this verse several times but when the Lord told me to study this verse and He opened my spiritual eyes to understand the hidden revelation, unfolding it to me, I was startled asking the Lord how is this verse compared to intercession, and He replied in this end time He is raising a Prophetic army but such an army who will be a ‘Priest’ and a ‘king’. You can never become a king if you are not a priest.
Priest is first to be a worshipper unto the Lord, am not talking here singing songs after songs. Many people have misunderstood worship unto the Lord. Worship is living life of sacrifice doing what the Lord wants you to do. If the Lord has place a man or woman of God into your life, your duty is to submit unto them, because they are the mouth piece and the voice of God, and if you rejecting the voice of God, you are directly rejecting God, and He rejects you as priest.
The secret to your prayers to be answered immediately, the secret to be blessed immensely, abundantly is to touch the heart of God. Understand here, when Jesus died on the cross, He was resurrected, He did everything that God wanted Him to do. When He ascended back to Heaven he was given the highest position, that is being the High Priest and Intercessor.
“I do not pray for these alone, but also for those who [a]will believe in Me through their word; (John 17:20
If Jesus is not sitting and interceding for you and me, the enemy will destroy us. Intercession is not a calling but a responsibility of every so called believer. Many are fond of prophetic, and they want to stay there but I want to tell you itstarts with intercession. Every prophetic person is an intercessor.
Why didn’t Jesus choose to sit and prophesy on His Throne but why he chose to be the High Priest and an Intercessor?
The Lord is saying my people – its not talking about people who don’t know Him, or do not believe in him, He says my people come to me but they come with a knowledge that is only informative, selfish (I, me, myself, my problem, my pain). My people who pray with their prayer request to me, who sit in my presence only because they want to be healed, only because they need something, who come to me because they are in problem, pain and need deliverance. My people are destroyed for lack or revelation and understanding the voice of the prophetic.
Because you have rejected prophetic voice I reject you to from being my priest. The duty of the priest is to worship God and intercede for God’s people, but ignorantly you have rejected the call of intercession, the prophetic voice. If you do not live by revelation then you will live by information of knowledge that’s a strange or demonic knowledge.
The Lord says because you have rejected my knowledge, my revelation, my prophetic voice that I speak through my servant, I will reject you from being my priest and this is something very dangerous.
What do you mean by lack of knowledge. My people are destroyed why? Because they lack right revelation and the Prophetic voice, the voice is coming to you, however you have build a wall around yourself of a certain knowledge which is not of God’s. If you fall in the hands of the enemy the Lord will deliver you but what if you fall in the hands of the living God, who can deliver you? You have given room to wrong knowledge that is contrary to the Lord’s.
Many people watch many things these days on social mediaand receive information on knowledge which does not align with the Word of God. Be alert what you watch, not everything which is about God on such platforms comes from the Lord.
An intercessor is not a selfish person, he or she is carrying theburden of Lord Jesus by standing in the gap inspite of their own problem by praying for others and by doing so your touching God’s heart and why will not God bless you.
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