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Writer's picture: Prophetess RhemaProphetess Rhema

He who has ears to hear, let him hear! (Matthew 11:15)

Our ears are external paired organs located on the each side of our head helping us to analyze and understand sounds. We are been hearing so much since the time we were born and continue to do so till we are on earth.

The Bible declares in Revelation 3:20 " Behold I (the Lord) stand at the door and knock, If anyone heard my voice and opens the door, I will come into him and eat with him, and he with Me."

Now this is a profound statement of our Lord Jesus Christ, narrated through divine revelation by Apostle John. How many times have we heard that knock on the door of our heart ? Even if we have missed it once, maybe it must have been repeated several times which has gone unnoticed or fallen on our deaf ears. We have been too busy in life, ignoring the knock of God, on the door of our heart. Even in our times of trials, maybe the Lord has knocked time and again to gain our attention but still we have lost the art of hearing God in our busy life journey.

We as Christians have been taught to call upon the Lord irrespective of our denomination in good and bad times, but when did we hear his voice and responded him the last time ?

Jesus says in the Book of John Chapter 10 verse 27 'My sheep hear my voice, and I know them and they follow me.' If we are His sheep, then undoubtly, He is our Shepherd. A sheep is well versed and aware about the voice of his shepherd. Sheep are completely dependent upon their shepherd as the latter guides them from every harm, feeds them and provides their needs.

If a sheep being an animal is so vigilant and alert when it is about the caretaker "The Shepherd", then why have we missed, God's knocking sound and His voice calling and alerting us from the enemy (devil). What are you hearing in your daily life ? The voice or the noise of the world has become too louder for our ears in this generation, that we have ceased hearing God.

James 1:19 "Let every person be quick to hear".

We are quick to see and speak, keeping hearing the last option and mismatching the order of God's Word and this has led us to much destruction in many ways.

Prayer :- Holy Spirit, give me a hearing ear. Speak Lord your servant if listening, in Jesus name Amen.

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