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Writer's pictureProphetess Rhema


Gates are extremely important. There are different types & kinds of gates. For any kingdom to be well established, it has got to do with foundation.

And company to be well established, it has got to do with foundations.

Gates are crucial for the foundation of any kingdom.

The foundation has got to do with gates, altars & covenants. Any point of contact to is refered to as a gate.

There we can call altars & covenant as a gate.

So what is a gate?

A gate is a point of access either for an entry or an exit. Gates also are spiritual portal for heaven & even for hell.

Genesis 28:16‭-‬17 NKJV

Then Jacob awoke from his sleep and said, “Surely the Lord is in this place, and I did not know it.” And he was afraid and said, “How awesome is this place! This is none other than the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven!”

It can serve as a portal to the kingdom of darkness.

They are portals for good & for evil.

Gates are very powerful. It is a place of influence, merchandise, power, authority, judgement, decision.

The Bible says in

Proverbs 31:23 NKJV

Her husband is known in the gates, When he sits among the elders of the land.

Because of the woman being so virtuous her husband is even known at the gates.

The place of influence, power & authority.

Gates are spiritual & they give access to your life, destiny & family. It gives access to anything that concerns you.

You must also understand that through these gates things can be brought into your life & taken out from your life through the gate.

Your eyes is a gate, it's an opening either for heavier demonic impartation either on what you are watching.

Your ear is a gate, your mouth is a gate.

Watching television is a gate. Listening to music is a gate. Whatever becomes a point of contact into your life is a gate.

When a demonic agent wants to attack you & if they have your picture, they use your picture as a point of contact which means the picture becomes a gate.

The can cut a piece of your clothing which means your shoe can become a gate, a strand of your hair can become a gate.

Do you know we have sea ports & air ports, these are gates as they bring you in from one city or nation to another.

Your destiny has a gate, your miracle has a gate.

Gate can be spiritual, soulish & physical gate.

Gates are not necessarily structures.

If you want to take a Kingdom of a territory, you just need to take the gates.

Genesis 22:17 NKJV

blessing I will bless you, and multiplying I will multiply your descendants as the stars of the heaven and as the sand which is on the seashore; and your descendants shall possess the gate of their enemies.

In other words your descendants shall take the territories of the enemies.

Isaiah 28:6 NKJV

For a spirit of justice to him who sits in judgment, And for strength to those who turn back the battle at the gate.

Combats are won or lost at the gates.

Why combat or war at the gates? The purpose of combat at the gates is because at the gates an angel or a demon can be waiting at the gate.

Who stands at the gate determines who comes in or who goes out of your life.

We must war & combat strategically.

When the enemy want to interrupt your destiny or life, he attacks you at the gates.

He lies in wait for you at the gate to kill you.

If we want to win, we must fight at the gate, you have truly fight not only in the physical realm but also in the spiritual realm.

The enemy doesn't kill you anywhere but waits for you at the gate, so the combat at the gate is very crucial.

Why the gate?

The gatekeeper at the gate is more powerful than the owner of the house.

Because the owner of the house is in the house but doesn't have an idea of what's happening outside the house. The watchman determines who come in & who goes out.

Your destiny helper can come but the gatekeeper can prevent them from coming & helping you.

That is why the war is at the gate is very important.

According to the verse we read, God empowers us with supernatural vigour & vitality to fight the enemy at the gate because the gate is extremely important for our destiny & for your life.

Your life can be turned upside down at the gate, your life can be lifted up at the gate, judgements are passed at the gates.

In ancient Israel when they want to pass a judgement, they take you to the gates.

Boaz married Ruth at the gates, Jesus was crucified at the gates.

Gates are important, we are going to silence, combat the enemy at the gates & deal with the enemy.

Acts 9:23‭-‬24 NIV

After many days had gone by, there was a conspiracy among the Jews to kill him, but Saul learnt of their plan. Day and night they kept close watch on the city gates in order to kill him.

Why did they not kill Paul at his house or in the temple?

Why did they wait at the city gates to kill him? Because it is the point of entries. When the enemy wants to kill you, they wait for you at the gates.

When the enemy wants to destroy your destiny, your life, he will destroy it at the gates.

There is no kingdom without foundation, and the foundation of every kingdom is crucial for that kingdom to have a gates, altars & covenant.

To destroy anything successfully, you have to destroy the foundation of the kingdom.

If you get hold of the foundation & destroy it, it is permanently destroyed.

If the enemy wants to attack your blessings, your breakthrough, he stands at the gate of entry & destroys it.

Let your combat be at the gate.

There are different kinds of gates,and if you want a permanent victory destroy them at the gates.

In ancient Israel, where te want to fight a battle, they will blow the horn or trumpet at the gates.

You must gaurd your gates & you must pray at your gates,combat at the gates, it is at the gates you make announcement of your miracle, of your blessings, you prophesy against your eny at the gate.

Psalms 21:11 NLT

Although they plot against you, their evil schemes will never succeed.

Use this scripture at the gate to fight the enemy.

The devil has intended evil against you,but at the gate you should destroy the enemy, destroy their altars & covenants at the gates.

Whatever conspiracy the evil one conspires, the Holy Spirit will reveal it & expose te enemy to be destroyed.

Who wants to destroy your life at the gates, who is speaking cursed words at the gates,who is destroying your family at the gates.

You must make declarations at the gates of your city to let your blessings enter, your prosperity increase.

Dispossess the territorial spirits & possess territorial angels to bring souls into the kingdom of God.

If you don't stop the enemy at the gates, he will stop you, if you dont prevent the enemy at the gates, the enemy will stop you.

Who is waiting for you at the gates? You need to start contending & dealing with them.

If you have taken over the gates, you can get all you want.

When you destroy the enemy at the gates, you bring forth am angel to gaurd your gates & this angel prevail & stops the enemy from entering into your gates.

Combat with the enemy at the gates.

The combat at the gate should be strategic.

Psalms 37:32 NLT

The wicked wait in ambush for the godly, looking for an excuse to kill them.

From where does the wicked watch over the godly, from the gate.

The enemy lies in wait at the gate because you enter & exit from the gate to slay you.

Psalms 37:32‭-‬33 NLT

The wicked wait in ambush for the godly, looking for an excuse to kill them. But the Lord will not let the wicked succeed or let the godly be condemned when they are put on trial.

In other words the Lord will obstruct & overthrow the enemy.

Let every plot of the enemy be scattered as you take the combat at the gates.

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