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Curved Tubes
Writer's pictureProphetess Rhema


Genesis 1:1-3

1 In the beginning God (prepared, formed, fashioned, and) created the heavens and the earth.

2 The earth was without form and an empty waste, and darkness was upon the face of the very great deep. The Spirit of God was moving (hovering, brooding) over the face of the waters.

3 And God said, Let there be light; and there was light.

We see in the beginning, and there are many years after that, there is million of years between verse 1 and 3.

You are like the earth that is empty, formless darkness, where darkness is filled in any area of your life and the Holy Spirit is hovering over you, who was hovering over the same waters as you read. The earth was still formless, empty and darkness covered the deep waters. Inspite of the Spirit of God hovering over the waters, and yet nothing happened. Why? Then, God said Let there be light and there was light. There was a sound that had to be produced, the Spirit of God was waiting for the sound in order to perform a miracle.

The Spirit of God is hovering over your situation, and why is He doing so? He is brooding over your life, situation, finances and everything that needs a miracle. The Spirit of God is waiting for a sound, because in your sound there is a frequency, wavelength, power. When Joshua and the Israelites were going to around the walls of Jericho on the seventh day when they went around the wall for seven times, and then shouted, sound was released to bring those walls down.

How did the sound entered Adam, When God breathed it was not just breath from in that was sound, frequency, that went within Adam and bought light to Adam. It produced electrons, protons, neutrons, creating the atomic and the sub-atomic. The very breath of God, was a sound of God.

God released a sound and the sound birthed miracle. A sound carries a strands of waves within itself, and if your spirit man is ready to pick up the sound. When you worship its not about the sound and the music, its about the sound that is released.

Acts 2: 1 – 2

1And when the day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all assembled together in one place,

2 When suddenly there came a sound from heaven like the rushing of a violent tempest blast, and it filled the whole house in which they were sitting.

They all were sitting and praying, not knowing what is going to happen. Every time God introduces himself, through a sound, every time a dimension is opened or introduced, its through a sound. The sound that was released from Heaven of a roaring like a might wind, Many people are afraid to open their mouth, to sing praise and worship or to speak or declare, because your have shut or locked your mouth, everytime God did something there was a sound. In the upper house those 120 of them were praying a heavenly wavelength produced sound came in that room, and it went within every person and then they began to release that sound within their spirit. After that when Peter’s shadow fell on the sick, they were healed.

Sound of healing, miracle, sound of Shekinah glory, the reason creation is not responding to you it is because you are not carrying that sound. If you have the breath of Yahweh in you, release the sound of Yahweh. What kind of a sound are u releasing ?

When Jesus stood at the tomb of Lazarus, I am not talking about the physical sound, in the voice of Jesus, there was a sound. Sound is an energy that has frequency, wavelength with 22 vibrations of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. Lord Jesus released a voice and in that voice was a sound produced that went into the spirit of Lazarus, the DNA of Lazarus, where the spirit of Lazarus had to sound of Jesus and he came out. What is the science behind the miracle, it was the energy or power of God which is called ‘Shekinah Glory’. God is not after the people after the anointing, he is looking for people who are after his presence, desperate for him, who want Him more than His very hands. Burn out your prayer request and flush it out.

God be the first priority in your life, nothing else. We all have a family, business, we need money, If God is number two in your life, You will be a person only with prayer petitions and request.

Ezekiel 43 : 2

2 And behold, the glory of the God of Israel came from the east and His voice was like the sound of many waters, and the earth shone with His glory.

This is the Glory that I am after, I want to encounter wanting the world to see and it can only happen when you walk with the Lord, being intimate with Him. Whenever God is in a place, there will be a sound, which is not heard with your physical ears but with spiritual.

Many people think when the Rapture is going to take place, they will hear the blast of the trumpet of an Archangel, in your physical ears. No, when the Rapture will take place, you will hear it with your spiritual ears and not physical. Only those people will be Raptured who can hear it in the spirit. It says the dead will be raised. How will the dead hear ? How did Lazarus hear Jesus, - “Lazarus come out”. He heard it in the spirit as he was dead in the physical.

Its very important to stay tuned in the Spirit of God to walk in the spirit. I often say, walk in the spirit, hear God, speaking about the realm of the spirit, because I dont want anybody of us to miss rapture. You have no idea what will happen if u miss it. Thank God for these days, if your left back its terrible, worst and indescribable, the Lord showed me in the spirit, the time after rapture. If only u can pick up the sound of the spirit. May each one be raptured in Jesus name its my prayer.

Elisha asked Elijah when you go I want to see you, and Elijah said you have asked for a hard thing. If you can only see me go, I want to tell you exactly what happened, Elijah disappeared in the physical before Elisha, but he saw it through the eyes of his spirit, not through his physical eyes.

Rapture too is not going to be easy, thats the reason do what God’s wants to u do, speak what God wants u to be speak, days ahead are evil, bad and worse, the more you are glued to the Lord the more you are in love and immersed in the Word of God. Open the Word and read it, let the sound of Word get into your spirit man, it says “faith comes by hearing" not by reading. So when you are reading the Word, you are speaking it, declaring and confessing it, you are releasing a sound from your voice. Its a hammer that break rocks in pieces, its a double aged sword. The Word goes, it starts executing, it goes and brings answer, finance, and your needs.

You want prophesy, the Word of God is a biggest prophetic book, when you release the sound of the Word of God, it’s more powerful than anything powerful on the face of the earth. In the Word there is Wisdom of God, you want wealth get Wisdom, if you want favour get Wisdom and where is Wisdom in God’s Word.

1 Kings 18:41

And Elijah said to Ahab, Go up, eat and drink, for there is the sound of abundance of rain.

Elijah heard in the realm of the spirit, the sound of rain, not just rain but abundance rain. Can I say prophesy I hear the sound of abundance of blessings, glory, finance all those people who can catch that sound in Jesus name.

Psalm 29: 3 – 9

3 The voice of the Lord is upon the waters; the God of glory thunders; the Lord is upon many (great) waters.

4 The voice of the Lord is powerful; the voice of the Lord is full of majesty.

5 The voice of the Lord breaks the cedars; yes, the Lord breaks in pieces the cedars of Lebanon.

6 He makes them also to skip like a calf; Lebanon and Sirion (Mount Hermon) like a young, wild


7 The voice of the Lord splits and flashes forth forked lightning.

8 The voice of the Lord makes the wilderness tremble; the Lord shakes the Wilderness of Kadesh.

9 The voice of the Lord makes the hinds bring forth their young, and His voice strips bare the forests, while in His temple everyone is saying, Glory!

If u only know the power of this verse, so brilliant and majestic is the voice. Jesus said “Greater things than me you shall do, as I go to my Father.” Jesus raised up Lazarus, we will raise up many Lazarus.

In the Acts of the Apostles as we read, when the sound came like a wind storm and it broke down upon people as tongues of fire, they produced a sound called ‘Tongues’.

When you pray in ‘Tongues’ you are releasing a sound of Power, Glory and Fire. The more you speak the more you release the sound of Heaven.

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