I Peter 1:5 NKJV
who are kept by the power of God through faith for salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.
Christianity has no future without power.
The cry of every mortal man is power.
There are all kinds of power today in the world.
We have economic power, political power, power of academic, nuclear power, military power, diabolical power & spiritual power.
And Spiritual power is the highest from all other power.
Because he that is from above, is above all.
If you lack power, you won't like where life keeps you.
Life without power equals to molestation & torment.
You can't escape the aggression of the devil if you lack power.
The world is a world of Power.
America is powerful because of its nuclear & military power.
If you don't have power, you can't experience the Grace of power.
I Corinthians 2:4-5 NKJV
And my speech and my preaching were not with persuasive words of human wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, that your faith should not be in the wisdom of men but in the power of God.
Everything about God is power.
To validate your destiny on the earth you need power, to bring your dreams to reality you need Power.
So power is very essential for spiritualism manifesting in every person who is hungry for power.
Every spiritual excercise take you into power.
When your fasting doesn't gaurantee you power, it's Charismatic affliction, when your prayer doesn't take you into power it's prayer punishment.
When your giving doesn't secure financial power it's frustration.
I Prophesy to everyone of you every effort you have put in your spiritual work, fasting life, prayer life, in your giving life, today i gaurantee power for you.
Walk in the Power of the Holy Ghost, walk in the Power of God, walk in the Power of God's goodness, in God's protection.
Power is the super imposition of strange influence to change a condition, a location, a situation in favour of the demonstrator.
For vision to collide with provision, for expectation to turn to reality, for process to become product, for prophecy to become human property, for transition to become manifestation, power is a necessity, a requirement.
Where there is power, vision is realised, expectation is gauranteed, destinies are achieved, dreams are never left in the seas of forgetfulness.
When there is power, motion is gauranteed from.where you are to where God wants you to be.
Everytime power comes, a strange influence comes. You change in location.
Those nameless places you leave, can be changed.
You can move from a tenant to a landlord, from a landlord to an estate by Power.
We are taught in physics that every object is in a state of rest or stagnation until a force is exacted on it & then it gets into motion.
Let me tell you nothing takes off until power is applied.
Nothing rises until there is power.
For an aeroplane to sustain in the air it has to fight four forces, it must fight the drag of the wind, the law of gravity, the law of weight & the law of friction.
By deploying the law of aerodynamics which is the law of lift, i'm sustaining the air when i flying from Chennai to Mumbai, i was not going down because of a law was deployed to suspend every other law.
Every law of calamity, every law of misfortune, every law of poverty,debts, sickness, diseases, every law of catastrophic be suspended now in Jesus name.
It may stop others but it won't stop you.
Be a line crosser, a barrier breaker, it's invisible.
Your father couldn't cross, your mother couldn't cross, your siblings couldn't cross, but today you are crossing it, cross that line & every barrier now in Jesus name.
Shout it I'm a line crosser, a barrier breaker, receive power, receive power now.
Power is the expression of immortality, infinity, divinity, eternity, celestialism, spiritualism on time, space & matter.
Where there is power, time, space & matter is relegated.
The reason for our limitations is our humanity.
Where humanity abounds you are limited.
Hebrews 5:7 NKJV
who, in the days of His flesh, when He had offered up prayers and supplications, with vehement cries and tears to Him who was able to save Him from death, and was heard because of His godly fear,
The day God wore flesh, God prayed.
He prayed to acquire power so that He could live above death.
The attempt to kill Jesus was so many times but He escaped death at all times because he prayed.
Everytime you live in this flesh, you have limitations, patterns.
We are barricaded by time, space & distance.
Even science has come to understanding that there are something called patterns in men.
If you got diabetes, they will ask who in your family has this disease & if you don't deal with this patterns, you will be destroyed.
Today i declare when power comes on you, you will wear infinity, divinity, eternity, celestialism, spiritualism, you will swallow every fragility that comes against you.
Divinity is godliness in humanity.
The day you wear divinity, you wear out humanity because humanity has no place. And that's when you operate at the frequency of a spirit & when you operate at the frequency of a spirit, you manifest in a dimension that will manifest power in the highest frequency.
What took your father 30 years to accomplish, you will accomplish in 3 days.
Between you & your manifestation is time, space & distance so what you need is the endowment of power.
Power is the gluetin of celestialism, spiritualism, divinity, infinity & eternity on your human capacity.
When power comes on you, time, space & distance is removed & there is arrival of without journey, there health without sickness, there is money without effort.
There is product without process, vision is married to provision.
I Prophesy power is coming in your direction.
Step into your manifestation.
How do I engage power for manifestation?
1) Master the spirit realm.
Men who function in power, are men who operate in the spirit realm.
The spirit realm is our reality. We don't live in the earth realm, we function from another realm called the spirit realm.
Every believer must understand the place of the spirit realm.
The spirit realm is that impossible realm that cannot be seen with the naked eyes.
The spirit realm is that impossible realm that no mortal man can traffic except if your carried by God into that realm.
The spirit realm is our true habitant, it is our reality.
John 3:6 NKJV
That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.
Every believer is 99% a spirit & 1 % flesh.
In the height of your spirituality, you are not accessible, you are not attackable & you are not vulnerable.
You are first a spirit.
The fish doesn't have to fast to swim in the water & neither a monkey has to fast to jump from tree to tree, in the same way a believer doesn't struggle to operate in the spirit because you are a spirit being & that's your habitant.
You are the most dangerous human being & you cannot be defeated in your realm.
If you function as flesh, you die but if you function as spirit, you become a giant bulldozer, a territorial commander.
You are a mobile spirit. You are a walking shrine & in this realm there is no limitations.
By functioning in the Power of the spirit you force the devil into the pits of darkness.
You are so much feared when you are in your realm.
It is the invisible that controls the visible.
If your not a traficker of invisible articles, you will never be relevant on the earth.
Your relevance on the earth is tantamount to the extent of your relevance & mastery in the realm of the spirit.
There are many things talking to you in the spirit but your too deaf to hear it.
Whatever is speaking to you in the spirit, if you don't speak to it, it won't respect you in the physical.
Jesus cursed to the fig tree & the fig tree dried up & died.
Your husband won't stop fighting you & getting angry on you if you don't handle it in the spirit & break the power of anger in the realms of the spirit.
Every guru that became relevant on earth was connected to a spirit.
There is a realm you won't enter in this life until a spirit doesn't carry you.
There are breakthroughs you will never see in your life till you die until a spirit carries you because the world that we live in is a world of the spirit.
Anything projected to work against you, i command it to backfire.
Fraternisation with the spirit is the key to relevance, the key to manifestation, is the key to all manner of answers here on earth.
You can do all the cat walk & dog walk & put layers of make up, you will die being single if you haven't mastered the spirit realm.
A Prophet is a spirit & when a prophet speaks, that's it.
Never play around with spirits because if you talk about the spirit realm & haven't mastered it, you may get a spirit greater than you.
Don't traffic a realm your not familiar with, don't traffic a realm you haven't yet mastered coz if you do so you are trafficking paranomal activities in the spirit realm.
You must not joke with your connectivity.
Proverbs 24:10 NKJV
If you faint in the day of adversity, Your strength is small.
It's not because the devil is powerful, it's not because the witch is stronger, it's because you are weak & feeble.
Don't be a vegetable Christian, be like Daniel before whombthe lion became a mice, when the three friends of Daniel was thrown in fire, the fire couldn't burn them, come on now.
Let your generation hear your voice.
You need to master the realm of the spirit because the spirit realm flows from the point of a higher pressure till the point of a lower pressure.
We are one of the most powerful entity on the earth.
We are not called to drink tea & give biryani in church but we are demonstrators of power.
Deuteronomy 8:18 NKJV
“And you shall remember the Lord your God, for it is He who gives you power to get wealth,
Even in finances, you need power.
You can never be monificated if you don't have power to get wealth.
Power is a requirement because money is a spirit.
You will standing where you are & money will be passing by your head & your legs with nothing to show.
How can you be in an ocean & soap is entering your eyes?
I Prophesy, that spirit of scarcity, that spirit of lack, that spirit of emptiness i curse it in the name of Jesus.
1 Corinthians 16:2 TPT
Every Sunday, each of you make a generous offering by taking a portion of whatever God has blessed you with and place it in safekeeping. Then I won’t have to make a special appeal when I come.