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Writer's pictureProphetess Rhema

I am with you - Pastor Roshan

Updated: Jul 29, 2024

Isaiah 41:10 - "Fear not, for I am with you.

The God of the Bible has always assured us in the Scriptures, not once but multiple times by saying, Fear not, I am with you. I haven't counted myself but had read somewhere long back, that the phrase Fear not is mentioned 365 times i.e. throughout the year, each day, the Lord tells us to fear not.

With this fear, the enemy (the devil) has been manipulating and deceiving us big time. It is the most repeated command in all of the Bible and perhaps easiest to fail. Though with our mouth we may say, we don't fear but somewhere in our mind and heart we know, that we have faltered on it often.

The Bible declares that God did not say, He will be with us rather He is always with us. We need not call Him to come and stand with us as He is already and always with us. The day we accepted Salvation since then He is with us, the reason we are unaware about it, is because of our weak relationship with Him and whatever the Lord has spoken it is always been proved through His Word.

Numbers 23:19 "God is not a man that, He should lie, not a son of man that He should repent".

A little homework that we as believers need to do each day is align our lives with His Word through faith-confession and meditation. When trials and test comes you need to cling unto your homework without doubting, and it will help us to pass the test of life and overcome it. You may have heard thousands of preaching in your lifetime but very few of them do their homework and are well prepared in times of test and trials. The Bible has been like a Ready Reckoner because whenever a problem arises it will take you by surprise that, you need to be ready to combat it with God's Word.

If God is with us, that even we as His children need to be with Him, not confused and in disbelief thinking what to do next. Prophetess Rhema and myself, years back were invited to visit a family to pray for them. The elder daughter in that family was suffering from fever. The mother came to us with a paracetamol tablet in her hand requesting us to pray over the tablet, so after consuming it, her daughter's fever gets healed. Now this was a total faithless action that was administered by the mother to her daughter.

Dear people of God, do not be such. God cannot move in such situation. When He says, I am with you, it truly means He is with us.

Prayer - Father in Jesus name, forgive me for my unbelief towards you, give me grace to trust You without fear and doubt in Jesus name I pray, Amen.

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1 comentario

28 jul 2024

Amen praise the Lord

I am pastor Rajesh Timothy from Kaithal Haryana God bless you and your team pastor

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