Q) How do we develop & grow in the mind of Christ?
Ans: II Corinthians 10:4 - 5 NKJV
For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling
down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ.
2 Corinthians 10:3 - 5 TPT
For although we live in the natural realm, we don’t wage a military campaign employing human weapons, using manipulation to achieve our aims . Instead, our spiritual weapons are energized with divine power to effectively dismantle the defenses behind which people hide . We can demolish every deceptive fantasy that opposes God and break through every arrogant attitude that is raised up in defiance of the true knowledge of God. We capture, like prisoners of war, every thought and insist that it bow in obedience to the Anointed One.
To grow & develop our mind into the mind of Christ we need to first pull down the strongholds in our mind. We cant have the mind of Christ we get depressed, oppressed,worried about things, easily get sulked down & demotivated. So what was Paul trying to say. Paul was ministering to the people of Corinth & Corinth was in Greece. The Greek people are very rich people & intelligent people in those times. They were very much learned & knew alot. So you need to first know to what kind of people paul was ministering to & how is it even applicable to us. The Greeks were philosophers, in merchandise of ships, etc. Paul too was s learned man & God placed him at the right place. But Paul too had the same problem of developing & growing his mind into the mind of Christ because he was too learned. Its not wrong to be learned but if your wisdom is a hindrance you receiving the mind of Christ then you pull down that stronghold. Pulling down strongholds, casting down in greek means catheros. Means to destroy, to anhilate. You need to get to every of your single stronghold one by one & then be after it l, pull it down, destroy it completely anhilate it till it doesn't exist. Stronghold in greek means ochuroma - an abundance or a multitude.
Q) How does a stronghold gets formed?
Ans: When you think about something that is not aligned by the word what takes place is your negative thoughts are forming strands that are coming against you & are getting stronger & stronger.
One bad thought is a single strand of stronghold.
As you keep pondering and give room to more thoughts which are not of God this is what happens even thought you are a Christian.
👆 Join all of these strands and weave it ...How will it look.....These strongholds are now getting stronger each day.
And then they keep getting intertwined into each other that you now say I need deliverance.....
It started from a single thought but because it was not dealt with this is what happens.
And no matter how much you pray & sit in God's Presence if you don't deal with it, it will grow & give room for the devil to attack you & keep you away from your blessings & your miracles.
Q) So how do we become free?
Ans: Deal with every stronghold & destroy it completely, use all your stubbornness towards it to destroy it till.it doesn't exist. Decree the exactly opposite of you have said that created the strands of strongholds. Speak to yourself everytime, everyday. Say I am more than a conqueror, I can see in the spirit as no one sees, I am healthy & wealthy, I have the best marriage, my husband is too crazy about me, I am loved by all, my business is growing in a faster speed & acceleration & my enemies can't touch me, my family, my ministry, my business, my finances because I am.protected, I am too dangerous, I am from above & not beneath. Destroy the stronghold that you created to destroy your life by your own word & create a stronghold of decrees by your word aligning with the Word of God that will be beneficial to you & help you to develop the mind of Christ.
This is what takes place when you build God's word stronghold. See this image & zoom it to 100 times the size. That's what happens when you fill your mind with God's word, when you speak God's word on your life, speak life over yourself your kids, your family, your finances. May be your broke but say I'm a millionaire. And keep saying & believe in what you say, start behaving like one. Decree and declare Affirmative or positive sentences/words upon yourself aligned with the Word of God. But before that pull down every strongholds you have built by your words on your life, your family, your health, etc.
When your not well even though the symptoms are showing how unwell you are say healed, my cells are strong & have the Glory of God in them, I have the DNA of God in every of my cells & they are giving instruction of the word of God to my cell & my cells are sending signal to my mind that my body is anti sickness, anti disease, anti death. There is no way I can loose any contract, I'm the best, I'm beautiful, I'm slim & trim, young & gorgeous. You cast down every imagination - Imagination here means reasoning or argument and it's the word logismos from where the word logic comes. At times your mind will to you & tell you aaha...your body is hot what are you speaking & at that tell your mind shut up & follow my instructions, you are healed, you are delivered, tell your mind you are a millionaire when it tells you, you are in debts speak to your mind my debts are all cleared. Physically nothing can be seen but by your words you are creating spiritual substance in the spirit realm & as you keep speaking it will materialize in the natural. It was by faith that Abraham obeyed when God called him to leave home and go to another land that God would give him as his inheritance. He went without knowing where he was going. Abraham was confidently looking forward to a city with eternal foundations, a city designed and built by God. ~Hebrews 11:8,10 (NLT)
Abraham obeyed God, spoke to himself, son the battle with his thoughts & put his obedience into action by leaving his father's house to a place God was showing him & every step he took & the miles he walked he kept telling himself of what God spoke to him till he reached where God showed him.
When you pull down completely, destroy completely from its roots every stronghold, you cast down every reasoning & logic if it doesn't align with God's Word & then create a stronghold that is full of God's Word on your life, your mind then becomes the mind of Christ.
If you apply these words in your life, you will live a life of unlimited victories.