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Developing your spiritual eyes

Why are people not been able to see accurately in the spirit, because some people do not see the results of the power displayed in their lives because they are quick to speak, when in actual fact, God’s vision has not yet fully grown in their spirit.

When the vision of God i.e. what God is showing you is not matured or grown fully and you speak out of what your seeing, For eg:-  An artist cannot draw an outline and present it to someone as a drawn picture because it will be considered an incomplete drawing. IN the same way when you see in the spirit an outline its not a perfect or complete picture and without discerning when you speak about it, that makes it something coming out of your an empty spirit.

You see there are some Christians (believers) they claim that they are called to be in the prophetic, but they speak a lot, this clearly indicates that their spirit man is empty and there are no results of power manifested.

Before God declared let there be light, the Bible says the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of deep (Genesis 1:2) in other words God had an imagination and exact picture and prototype of the world, He wanted to create before He could speak it into existence.


Before an artist is about to draw something, he knows exactly what he is about to draw, he has got everything in the lens of his imagination, in his mind as where to start, where to end, how much it has to be sketched and likewise. Many people just get an outline of a vision and start prophesying and that’s where they fail, because their spirit man is sending signal to their imagination but if their mind (imagination) is not renewed the process becomes slow of seeing the vision completely.

We think God is slow in showing us, but that’s not the case, the problem is your imagination is not renewed, so the downloading process is very slow. God very well knew how he wanted to create and it was all in His imagination.

At times, whenever I prophesy maybe online or offline meeting over people, I say ‘wait’, it’s because I need to see the complete picture because if I just hurry and prophesy the outline, I can miss many things and fail in the prophetic, but if I wait there I can see and simultaneously the Spirit of God is interpreting to me the vision that  is shown to me.

For eg; - I see a person walking on a highway with a white cow besides him, what will be the interpretation that will be?

A highway in India, is such a road where the vehicles run at a very high speed as it is inter-state connected. But that person is walking on highway whereas he needs to be in a car. Nobody walks on a highway. The cow has lot of meanings like religious spirit / idolatry though it has a color white that does not means purity.

Whenever you interpret something u need to see each and everything not just one. The Spirit of God hovering over the surface of the deep, gives a knowledge of God’s revelation how the exact world He wanted to create. God was going to the core of creation not leaving untouched or untapped when He does something, its accurate, precise and perfect, that’s how we need to follow.


God was incubating thoughts, habituating ideas of how would be go about creating world, and when His imagination was fully conceived, He spoke the world into existence. So when God shows your something, you need to show it in your imagination is it complete or incomplete.

Apostle Paul says in 1 Timothy 5:22 (NKJV) “Do not lay hands on anyone hastily, nor (A)share in other people’s sins; keep yourself pure.”

What is the above verse trying to tell us, See in the spirit first about that person, because you never knew if your laying hands on that person, if there is a demon or whatsoever it can attack you. Don’t be hasty, before laying hands on anyone to pray, first see in the spirit, deal with things in the spirit and when the Holy Spirit permits you to lay hands then you may proceed.

God has an analytical part to His nature, and we too are like Him as we are created in His image and likeness. Some folks misleadingly believe that God created the earth out of nothing and everything came out of the invisible matter. This is not the correct picture, because whatever God created was everything in Him. The very creation was in His imagination.

Do not go and pray over a sick person until you don’t see that person healed in your imagination and healed in the spirit realm. Why many a times, whenever a sick person is prayed over we don’t see them getting healed ? whereas the Bible says, ‘And by His stripes we are healed.’ (Isaiah 53:5)

So when God said “Let there be light”, light proceeded within the depths of His being into manifesting it in the natural realm. That is why when the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit, everything that you ever need is in you, it’s given to you as you need to tap into it and bring it out of you, therefore when we are operating it in the prophetic we follow the same pattern which God used to speak things from within our being into existence. God spoke out of what he created in His imagination, which means if you want something you need to create it in your imagination and once it fully and completely created then you speak it out of your imagination into the manifestation.


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